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Each year the festival grows by leaps and bounds, and our insatiable desire to constantly innovate while offering culturally diverse, cutting-edge, quality entertainment, often rivals our limited operating budget. This has prompted us to look towards the private sector in search of companies and corporations that have a warm spot in their hearts and in their social responsibility campaigns for supporting film, culture and the arts.
Expresión en Corto has been sponsored by Avon Cosmetics, Volvo, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Coca Cola, BBVA Bancomer, Casa Cuervo, Rosewood Residences and Corona, among many others. Not satisfied with being passive spectators merely standing on the sidelines, our sponsors have actually rolled up their sleeves and dived-right-into the spirit of filmmaking by co-organizing parallel competitions, such as the “Avon Speak Out Against Domestic Violence Short Film Competition” and “Volvo en un minuto”. These events create a major impact and lasting presence for these brands which is seen by thousands during our festival and by many more throughout the year.
The institutional funding that we receive from the federal, state and local governments is the greatest support that Expresión en Corto is granted, and represents a major reservoir from which we derive the resources to nurture tomorrow’s great projects of growth, development and further consolidation as one of the world’s premiere film festivals. To all of you, we extend our most sincere thanks.
For more information on how you can sponsor the Expresión en Corto International Film Festival, please write us at: Carolina López Méndez
email: eventos@guanajuatofilmfestival.com
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