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For the eleventh year in a row, the Guanajuato International Film Festival brings the Identity and Belonging Collegiate Documentary Contest, a project made possible by the promotion of the film and audiovisual industry of the Guanajuato State Government.

The value of this contest lies in strengthening regional identity and belonging of the youth of Guanajuato to this place of rich traditions. This process results in a documentary that reflects their concerns, interests and expectations on diverse topics, promoting practices that help in the construction of a culture that sensitizes and expands the forms of perception and creation. Identity and Belonging aims to increase the visibility of identified problems and contribute to a solution.

After analyzing each proposal, we selected in 2020 six teams for a six-month process of advisory and training through several specialized workshops in documentary filmmaking taught by film industry experts. The final goal is to shoot a ten-minute short film to be premiered during the 21st edition of GIFF. However, and due to the health pandemic, the contest had to be postponed last year, so for this edition we resumed with total perseverance the production and premiere of these projects that, given the circumstances, will be for the only time with four teams.

Through this contest, we recognize collective talent, its influence and importance in local communities, promote regional artists and highlight the importance of education in culture. Thus, the Guanajuato International Film Festival consolidates a valuable opportunity for young university students to portray, through documentary short films, the traditions, characters and contexts that will help us better understand our history and identity.


DIRECCIÓN: Roberto Antonio Salazar Aguiñaga

UNIVERSIDAD: Universidad de Guanajuato

CIUDAD: Guanajuato capital

FILMADO EN: Silao, Guanajuato

SINOPSIS: “Without Torito there is no party!” people say. This documentary shows the life of the LGBT+ community in Silao, Guanajuato, a municipality that thanks to La Danza del Torito has managed to accept in a more open way the characters that give life and diversity to the community.

Producción: Andrea Sinahí Castillo Morales Asistente de Dirección: Felipe Andrés Elías Durán Asistente de Producción: Karla Esmeralda Chairez Ramírez Investigación: Ana Rosa Guizar Carranza Asistente de Investigación: Juan Pablo Núñez Arenas Director de Fotografía: Jesús López Dritritl Sonido: Iván Francisco Juárez González Edición: Jesús Emmanuel Salazar Aguiñaga Community Manager: Ilse Anahi Arellano Rosete


DIRECCIÓN: José María Melchor Rangel

UNIVERSIDAD: Universidad Tecnológica del Suroeste de Guanajuato (UTSOE)

CIUDAD: Valle de Santiago, Guanajuato

FILMADO EN: Celaya, Guanajuato

SINOPSIS: Between dirt and brushes a new cardboard doll is born; she is behind the fears and hopes of how to stand out from the quarantine, she is a woman who fights day after day to keep her family and a tradition alive.

Producción: Richard Junior Benítez García Asistente de Dirección: Carol Yazmín Tolentino Robles Asistente de Producción: María Merced González Aguilera Director de Fotografía y Edición: Héctor Hugo Ortiz Díaz Director de Audio y Diseño Sonoro: Luis Ángel Moreno Mendoza Investigación: Fátima Daniela Velázquez Sánchez Relaciones Públicas: Claudia Jennifer Alfaro Gutiérrez


DIRECCIÓN: Juan Salvador Ybarra Quintero

UNIVERSIDAD: Universidad de La Salle Bajío

CIUDAD: León, Guanajuato

FILMADO EN: Chupícuaro, perteneciente al municipio de Acámbaro, Guanajuato

SINOPSIS: The memories of Chupícuaro Viejo, a town submerged by a reservoir, are narrated and rescued by some of its oldest inhabitants. The memory of a town lost in time.

Producción: José Noé Corona Rodríguez Asistente de Producción:  Alberto Escalera Amézquita Director de Fotografía: María Guadalupe Jaime Luna Asistente de Fotografía: Sahara María López Romo Audio: Francisco Axel Torres Ortiz Edición: Isaura Rodríguez Calderón Asistente de Edición: Jesús Armando Saldaña Rocha Redes Sociales / Making Of: Andrea González Juárez Relaciones Públicas: Luisa González Flores


DIRECCIÓN: Orlando Salvador Terrones Quiroz

UNIVERSIDAD: Universidad de La Salle Bajío

CIUDAD: León, Guanajuato

FILMADO EN: León, Guanajuato

SINOPSIS: Sofía, Vicente and Reyes, three people with different lifestyles share a great passion for a soccer team, the acclaimed Club León. This passion unites them more than they think, a feeling carried “until the last beat of the heart.”

Producción: Daniela Rivera Ramos Asistente de Dirección: José Alfredo Camarena Gómez Asistente de Producción: Stephany Mendoza Vela Dirección de Fotografía: Moisés de Jesús Jacobo Tovar Asistente de Fotografía: Mauricio García Director de Audio: Óscar Fernando López Rodríguez Sonido: Alan Armando Pérez Villalobos Montaje: Gloria Betsabé Rocillo Trujillo Edición: Orlando Salvador Terrones Quiroz

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