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Best Fiction Mexican Feature Film

Restos de viento | Wind Traces

Dir. Jimena Montemayor Loyo | México | 2017

Wind Traces tells the story of a grief, of its denial and phantasmagoric pain. In this movie we see emerge a full talent. Not only are we amazed by a rigurours and profound script, but by a cinematographic gaze and precision in the actors direction.

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Mexican Film Fiction Mention

Los Débiles | The Weak Ones

Dir: Raúl Rico, Eduardo Giralt Brun | México | 2017

The Weak Ones is the cinematographic wandering of an enigmatic young man in the search for the murderers of his dog. Through this journey we discover a México that is marginal, poetic, meaningless, and overflowing with madness.

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Best International Fiction Feature Film

Los Versos del Olvido | Oblivion Verses

Dir: Alireza Khatami |Francia, Alemania, Países Bajos, Chile | 2017

This movie recovers the importante of memory, disappearances, and not forgetting our dead ones. It has unique, powerful, and cinematographically innovative images, supported by great characters that tell the story.

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Best International Short Fiction

Drzenia | Tremors

Dir: Dawid Bodzak |  Polonia | 2018

The director crosses the boundaries between reality and the dream world as he tells the story of youth in their every day life dealing with anxiety, concerns and their search for answers to their existence. The ability to build a story with such a strong atmosphere and the outstanding cinematographic signature of the director convinced us.

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Best Mexican Short


Dir: Paula Hopf  | México | 2018

The phenomenon which happens in the film, triggers events that create a mysterious atmosphere and left us questioning what is real. In a very sensible and intimate way the director tells the story of a surreal friendship and captures the complexity of loss.

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Mexican Short Mention

La Culpa | Guilt

Dir: Moisés Aisemberg | México | 2018

“This short film leaves us with goosebumps due to its common yet rarely exposed theme.

Eight of every ten cases of child abuse are perpetrated by someone in the child’s immediate circle of friends and family.

Because children are our future and we must listen to them and protect them, and because we must never cease to speak of these things that, despite being horrific, are all around us, the jury offers a Special Mention to La Culpa.”

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Best International Documentary Feature Film

Obscuro Barroco

Dir: Evangelia Kranioti | Francia, Grecia | 2018

“Watching the International Documentary Feature Length competition our hearts soon burst into three different directions. We exchanged passionate ideas about three well-crafted films by three female directors that spoke to our emotions, our guts and our minds. These films were, in alphabetical order: Island of the Hungry Ghosts by Gabriele Brady, Obscuro barroco by Evangelia Kranioti and Teatro de guerra / Theatre of War by Lola Arias. And instead of shattering our hearts into more pieces our discussions mended our hearts.

Heartened by this cinematic experience we decided to follow our guts and descend into the shadow world of the city of Eros and Thanatos; of the new Gods of the Olympos; of eroticism, power and politics; of longing, belonging and loneliness; of the people that transcend gender, time and age – in a film that is told in the pure sensorial energy and experience of cinematographic language, by a director who uses the camera as her paint brush – and, even with subtle humor, guides us with the words of Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector to finally understand the meaning of “La Vie en Rose”. The Award of the Feature Film Award International Documentary therefore will be presented to Obscuro barroco by Evangelia Kranioti.”

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Best International Documentary Short

Histórias de lobos | Histories of Wolves

Dir: Agnes Meng | Portugal | 2018

“The winner spoke to us like a film lost in time. But also, as a time machine into a mythical era full of dark and doomful tales told by elderly women. Their stories shapeshift from fabula to reality, and are full of courage, bravura and wonder, only to be complemented by a rich visual palette that highlights all the blue colors of the many hours of “The wolves.”

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Best Mexican Documentary Feature Film


Dir: Eva Villaseñor | México | 2018

The award for best long Mexican documentary goes to a film that takes us on a relentless cinematic voyage straight into the mind of a troubled young man by means of courageous, raw and intimate cinematography and editing. a film is a personal reflection of the filmmaker’s own struggles to make sense of a person closest to her; her own brother. with striking empathy and courage, this film reflect the intense process of healing and transformation in the wake of drug addiction and suicidal despair.

Mexican Documentary Feature Film Mention

When the Bull Cried

Dir: Karen Vazquez Guadarrama | Bélgica | 2017

For its exceptional cinematography which transports us into a magical, archaic world that would otherwise be inaccessible.

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Mexican Documentary Feature Film Mention

Hasta Los Dientes | Armed to the Teeth

Dir: Alberto Arnaut Estrada | México

For bravely uncovering the truth in the face of injustice and calling for action.

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Best Mexican Documentary Short

Sinfonía de un mar triste | Symphony of a sad sea

Dir: Carlos Morales |  México | 2017

The award for best short Mexican documentary goes to a film that dives into the loneliness, isolation, and hopefulness of a resilient young Mexican man,through  stunning cinematography and wise use of voice over narration

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Mexican Documentary Short Mention

¿Me vas a gritar? | Shout at Me

Dir:  Laura Herrero Garvin | México | 2018

For shining a light on the particular intricacies and the unseen daily negotiations of the feminine experience, as seen through a distinctly feminine lens.

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Best Experimental Short


Dir: Pia Borg | Australia, Reino Unido | 2017

An unseen character takes us on a cyclical voyage: captured with gorgeous cinematography, this alien landscape that was once home to indigenous people plays with the notion of impermanence. Time, space, and reality are explored and interwoven in this otherworldly film. The Short Film Experimental Prize goes to ‘Silica’ by Pia Borg.

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Experimental Short Mention

Mudanza Contemporánea

Dir:  Teo Guillem  | España | 2018

For its playful, raw risk taking in the creative and emotional storytelling process we are glad to give a special mention to Teo Guillem for ‘Mudanza Contemporanea’.

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Best Animation Short


Dir: Nicolas Keppens, Matthias Phlips | Bélgica | 2017

The juxtaposition of cartoon characters and low budget live action safari footage is at once startling and weirdly inspired.

Undoubtedly hilarious and inventive, the only thing more surprising than the films sense of humour is the profound transformation of its two protagonists.  LINDAAA … is our new call for freedom!

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Animation Short Mention

Solar Walk

Dir:  Réka Bucsi | Dinamarca | 2018

Like a kiss on a forehead, this magical short transports us across the galaxy to places that we don’t ever want to leave. The Special Mention for Short Film Animation goes to ‘Solar Walk’ by Réka Bucsi.

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Best Guanajuatense Short


Dir: José Manuel Azuela Espinosa | México  | 2018

The abandonment of the mexican field, the industrial supersaturation, and the fear and bewilderment in the face of a very little promising present, reflect this vision from Guanajuato.

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Best Virtual Reality Short

The Real Thing

Dir: Mathias Chelebourg, Benoit Felicia | Francia, China

For its unfolding of virtual reality inside of virtual reality and regular reality. It was the best short, technically and narratively speaking. It showed a Chinese city, filled with replicas of iconic monuments that few people know and that their inhabitants never really visited.

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Second place Virtual Reality Short

Your spiritual temple sucks

Dir: John Hsu| Estados Unidos

For its way of dealing with humor from a very uncommon approach in the immersive productions, and for the inclusion of lots of the aesthetic and narrative possibilities that mark this narrative discipline.

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Third place Virtual Reality Short

Dinner Party

Dir: Ángel Soto | Puerto Rico, Estados Unidos

For being a mature approach to virtual reality language, its tale that explores genre cinema, and mainly to support Ángel’s Soto career in his next steps within the XR industry.

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Special Mention of Honor


Dir:  Adrián Regnier Chávez | México

For its brave take on the experimentation and creation of own styles inside the immersive world, outstanding above the rest of the mexican ecosystem.

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vimeo-staff-pickVIMEO STAFF PICK

Awasarn Sound Man | Death of the Sound Man

Dir: Sorayos Prapapan  |  Thailandia, Myanmar | 2017

This playful and introspective film about sound and the people who quietly capture it, examines what it’s like to be literally and figuratively “behind the scenes.” It uniquely depicts the philosophical question, “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

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Dir: Jeremy Comte | Canadá | 2018

Two kids play and compete with each other. The relentless reality will change the game, and will teach them the fragility of life, the value of friendship, responsibility, and regret, above competing.

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Mention SIGNIS

Negah | Gaze

Dir: Farnoosh Samadi | Irán, Italia | 2017

A woman witnesses theft on a city bus. Being a single working mother, pointing out the culprit leaves her more vulnerable and unsafe.

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Prize Women in the Cinema and TV

Apia | Aria

Dir: Myrsini Aristidou | Chipre, Francia | 2017

The director offers the audience a glimpse in the life of a young girl growing up in a surrounding with limited perspective for her future. While telling a seemingly small story she touches upon bigger themes around finding your place in the world. With it’s high tempo and a nearly unbearable closeness to the characters the film pulls us into the world of its main character.

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